Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart 0 Items (Empty)

Ordering Information

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How to order

When you've found the item you are looking for :

- Enter the desired order quantity in the quantity box and click the "add to cart" button to place the item in your cart, or;

-Click on the item name or image to view the product information page, where you will find a larger image and detailed product information. Once there, you can add items to your cart by entering the desired quantity in the quantity box and click the "add to cart" button.


Once the item is added to your cart, you can continue shopping by selecting a product category from the menu or click the "continue shopping" button to return to the shopping results page that you last shopped at.

You are taken to the shopping cart each time that you click the "add to cart" button on any product page. To arrive at the shopping cart from any other page, click on the shopping cart icon located in the upper right corner of each page. Once at the shopping cart, you can review all the items that you have placed in your shopping cart and information about each item. You can also make some changes to your shopping cart here, such as modify quantities or remove an item from your shopping cart. If you make any changes to your order, click the "update" button at the bottom of the page. If you wish to continue shopping, click the "continue shopping" button. If you are finished selecting items, click the "checkout" button.

You are now at the Account and Shipping Information page. Here, you will be asked to enter your billing and shipping information.

Once, you have entered all the required information, click the "submit" button at the bottom of the page.

You are now on the Shipping page. Here, you can review the details of your order and shipping charges. Click the "submit" button located at the bottom of the page.

You are now on the order review page. After verifying your order information and clicking the 'Submit' button, you will be directed to Pay Pal's secure site to enter your payment information. Once your payment information is entered and verified, you will be directed back to our web site for your order confirmation.

For more information about Paypal please click www.paypal.com

Kryptronic Internet Software Solutions